To gain efficiencies, more companies are incorporating disruptive technologies, such as robotics, across their plant floors. A recent product innovation introduced collaboratively by Combi Packaging Systems and Motion Controls Robotics introduces robotic technology into end-of-line packaging lines.
The RCE Robotic Random Case Erector combines a FANUC M20iA/20 six-axis robot with multiple case magazines and a bottom flap folder with integrated 3M™ tape head. The FANUC robot has a flexible end of arm tool to pick and erect multiple cases, eliminating the need for multiple erectors, the floor space they consume and costly changeover downtime. The standard system features one to six Combi powered case magazines, accommodating six different case sizes, project dependent.
Standard Features
- FANUC M20iA/20 six-axis Robot
- Flexible End of Arm Tooling with Vacuum and Dropped Case Detection
- Dual Gravity Case Magazines
- Bottom Flap Folder with 3M™ Tapehead
- Allen-Bradley™ PanelView™ Plus 1000 touchscreen
- Fixed robot Base, anchored to floor
- Programming for Robot, PLC/PMC, HMI and Vision
- Robot Perimeter Barrier Guarding with Safety Interlocking Doors
- On-Site Training and Support